Peter Houlis recently had the article titled ‘Visibly efficient: the future of integrated CCTV‘ published on the Info4Security website.

As we know it, CCTV has been around for about 20 years now. It gained prominence and much support in the early 90s, and was seen by many as the panacea to cure all evil.

Over the years, CCTV has also gained much public support, mainly due to some high profile results. Unfortunately, these systems were often poorly planned and designed, as the Stakeholders involved had little experience to call upon when implementing surveillance systems.

This problem was compounded by a lack of knowledgeable CCTV companies in an industry which is largely unregulated and has grown at a phenomenal rate.

It’s clear that yesterday’s technology cannot address today’s issues. Traditional CCTV technology no longer meets the needs of today’s organisations which require more data, accurate information and accountability along with secure but shared event monitoring and recording.

It’s imperative that those who require this crucial visual intelligence have easy and speedy retrieval of recorded information by way of database-type access methods.

Aside from the deterrent effect and comfort factor it provides, CCTV has two prime objectives. One is proactive, the other is reactive.

Read the whole article on Info4security


 Peter Houlis is the Managing Director of 2020 Vision Systems.