Alarm Receiving
Generate an income by monitoring third-party organisations’ assets.
Reduce the time between a security incident and a control room response.
Alarm Receiving can be customised to meet the requirements of ever-changing security contexts.
What is Alarm Receiving?
Alarm Receiving grants clients the capacity to prioritise a ‘cell stack’ of colour-coded alarms, so that the most urgent alarms take precedent over those deemed to be less of a priority by the client, although the latter are still brought to the attention of control room operators once urgent situations have been dealt with.
How does it work?

Automated, systematic responses to potential security breaches
Once an alarm has been triggered, the control room operator is visually made aware of the scene of the incident: nearby surveillance technologies can be programmed to immediately turn to face the location of the alarm. If additional action is required once an alarm has been triggered, users can programme an automated succession of responses, such as communicating with law enforcement agencies, activating a two-way audio channel, increasing camera resolution or notifying nearby patrol staff of the location of a potential incident.

Managing information
A consequence of fully integrated surveillance systems can be their propensity to overload the user with information. Because Veracity’s custom-built software, VIEWSCAPE, can run multiple security applications simultaneously, it was important for a measure to be in place to mitigate against information overload without discarding any information: this is the purpose of Alarm Receiving.

Customisable alarm priorities
Comprised of the ‘cell-stack’ of alarms could be: intruder alarms, exterior style detectors, interior PIRs, void property systems, building management systems, asset trackers, lone worker feedback, access control or video analytics.

User-defined priorities
Clients have the capacity to customise the prioritisation of alarms in accordance with their security needs; and priorities can be reordered over time. With Alarm Receiving, managing a myriad of alarms need not be a burden.

Automated alarm management
Alarm Recognition automates a number of critical alarm response functions, minimising incident-response latency, eliminating scope for human error and freeing up control room resources.
Where is it used?
“A picture is worth a thousand words as they say. Having instant access to high-quality imagery means our operators are only ever a mouse-click away from an overview of any situation, allowing them to deploy assistance as necessary.”
Glasgow Community & Safety Services
(Housing and Concierge)
Additional service charges associated with outsourcing security and surveillance functions have been eliminated as all CCTV and alarm monitoring exercises are now managed by an internally managed control room.