On the 29th and 30th May the Electronic Security and Surveillance Summit will take place at GDSF India. The event, which is held annually in Mumbai, has become an important date in the diaries of many security professionals throughout India and beyond, and icomply will be there to give a presentation on their integrated command and control software.
This comes only weeks after icomply deployed its premier command & control software for remote surveillance of pan India sites of a national financial institution.
One of icomply’s leading technical consultants, Vivek Kumar, will discuss the technical side of security integration, as well as the problems that companies can face and how they can be overcome. A typical surveillance setup will be outlined with onsite CCTV cameras, intruder systems, fire alarm systems, and alarm notifications before some common issues are raised and resolved. For example, how does the V-TAS Pro system adapt to multi-vendor equipment? Can it be used with both analogue and digital formats? How expensive is dedicated remote video monitoring and how will this impact a security budget? All of these questions will be answered step by step before some examples are given and the floor is opened to general queries.
The GDSF aims to bring all stakeholders involved in the security sector together under one roof. From large scale end-users and system integrators, to security consultants and hardware manufacturers. The event will commence at 9am on the 29th May and will begin with registration and a welcome note from the organisers. We strongly advise you to look ahead at the line-up to plan your day and be sure to take a good supply of business cards – the network lunches are a great time to exchange details and knock heads with some of the biggest players in the security industry.