Blue Light

Abolish service charge costs associated with outsourcing surveillance and security functions to a third-party.
Real time information becomes the eyes and ears of deployed personnel, providing an additional layer of safety.

Reduce manual labour costs by automating key surveillance functions.
Rapid time incident-response.

What do we do for Blue Light clients?
A comprehensive, cost-efficient surveillance solution grants policing and custodial clients the capacity to control difficult situations, but more importantly to prevent them from arising. Using icomply’s custom-built applications, control room operators are able to carry out multiple surveillance exercises simultaneously from a single display interface: not only can this help to reduce security costs, as disparate surveillance technologies are brought in house, but also to improve a client’s operational capacity.
How does it work?
Pre-project consultations allow icomply to understand exactly what the client aims to achieve by upgrading their surveillance capabilities. icomply is then able to propose a bespoke, scaled and cost-efficient solution to meet the particular needs of a particular given client.


Key Tracking

Command and Control

Alarm Receiving
Who we work with
“Control room costs can be shared with local businesses and organisations that share the benefits of 24-hour integrated CCTV systems. CCTV be cost-neutral.”
Neil Harvey, CCTV Operations Manager
Nottingham Police and City Council
Thames Valley Police, Slough
(A Blue Light Case Study)
Peter Webster, the Council’s CCTV and Careline Manager, recognised that Veracity could enable its control room to seamlessly multi-task: “The VIEWSCAPE product was a natural choice to seamlessly integrate with both these technologies plus our traditional analogue based systems to provide the control room with open platform integration application with a comprehensive incident and KPI reporting package