Incident Management

Control room work flows are made more cohesive by the automated reporting of incidents.
Generate a comprehensive, detailed database comprised of all incidents which occur within the scope of surveillance technologies.
Aid law enforcement agencies when detailed incriminating evidence is required.

What is Incident Management?
Compiling datasets is an essential part of commerce, security and management. Once collected, a full picture of data and meta-data reveals patterns that cannot be unearthed if single snap-shots are individually analysed. With Incident Management, which automates the reporting of incidents, compiling data to use for service optimisation need not burden control rooms.
How does it work?

Automatically collected information
Technologies configured to a central control room will generate alarm and incidents signals when an incident occurs. Incident Management will record such signals on an automated basis.

Automatically generated reports
When integrated with Management Reporting, all recorded data can be produced in graphically rich reports and disseminated to relevant stakeholders on an automated basis.

Reallocate resources to address security requirements
Incident Management can reveal locations in which recorded events are concentrated, such as crime hotspots and areas with high footfall. Consequently, services can be reconfigured and optimised to accommodate the conclusions of data.reduced.

Manual control over data input
When a control room operator needs to input manual data alongside automatically reported incidents, a ‘quick’ or ‘full’ supplementary report can be added.

Visualing an incident
Once an incident has been picked up by a surveillance or monitoring device, its GPS location will be appear on a map. Control operators can juxtapose this location with that of nearby CCTV cameras. When both GPS signals are taken together, it becomes possible to visualise an event where a network of CCTV cameras is in use.
Where is it used?
“Prior to the VIEWSCAPE system back office administration and reporting system, a paper-based system was used, which consumed a large amount of the team’s time in the monitoring centre. Since the upgrade, we now enjoy instant access to the statistics we require, all intuitively presented within comprehensive reports.”
Donna Heath, Monitoring Centre Team Leader,
Leisure, Environment & Community Services at Redditch Borough
Edinburgh City Council
(A Public Space & Safe Cities Case Study)
To modernise the Council’s property security arrangement, Veracity provides a bespoke solution which has enabled the management of 210 properties from one integrated control room.